Tuesday 5 January 2016

Mandria, Kouklia and Paphos Sewage Works

Starting off in heavy rain we thought we would not be seeing much, a very grey overcast day and not good for photography but better out than staying in on such a dull day.
We arrived at Mandria on the coast of Paphos with the rain just stopping and from a distance we could see a flock of Golden Plover circling around, they were flying for approximately 15 minutes before they settled.

Eurasian Golden Plover (Pluviallis apricaria), a passage migrant and winter visitor to Cyprus.

Other Birds in the area were large flocks of Skylark, Meadow and Red Throated Pipit, Starling, and mixed Finches flocks.
Moving on to Kouklia there were a couple of Long Legged Buzzard and a Common Buzzard along with Cetti's Warbler.
At Paphos Sewage works along with the resident Spur Winged Lapwing it was a bonus to see 14 Northern Lapwing feeding in nearby fields.

Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), A winter visitor and passage migrant to Cyprus.

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