Saturday 2 January 2016

New Years Day

A very cold start to 2016, a visit to the lower end of the Cha Potami River Valley on the Paphos Limassol border.
Starting on one of the higher ridges in snow flurries we had a good view of an adult Bonelli's Eagle. There were flocks of Goldfinch and Woodlark. A Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) crossed our path just a couple of metres in front of us.
Dropping down to the river level and the golf course reservoir there were around 100 coot on the water along with Teal, Mallard and Little Grebe. Approximately 25 Crag Martin were feeding over the reservoir.

Eurasian Crag Martin (Ptyonoprogne rupestris), a resident breeder but also a passage migrant.

Unusually there was a Barn Swallow present, able to fly and feed but we suspect that it is injured in some way hence it has not made it all the way to Africa.
Other birds seen in the area were Grey Heron, Cormorant, Robin, Blackbird, Black Redstart and Common Buzzard.

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