Wednesday 16 August 2017

Wetland Count Kannaviou, Evretou and Mavrokolympos

14/08/17 Completing a wetland survey for BirdLife Cyprus did not give us many wetland birds. At Kannaviou there was still a lone Great Cormorant present and a Common Kingfisher was seen. A pair of Bonelli's Eagle were again seen in the same area. On the way to Evretou in the Saramas Valley we saw a Golden Oriole and Common Kingfisher. At Evretou Green and Common Sandpiper were present along with a group of Garganey. Yellow wagtails had also returned. We looked around Arodes where Lesser Grey and Masked Shrike were numerous along with European Roller. Our final wetland of the day was Mavrokolympos where the only wetland bird was a Green Sandpiper but again a pair of Bonelli's were seen in the same area as last month.

European Roller (Coracias garrulus), Arodes, August 2017

Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata), Mavrokolympos Dam, August 2017

Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata), Mavrokolympos Dam, August 2017

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