Monday 15 May 2017

May Wetland Counts

15/05/17 A wetland count for BirdLife Cyprus starting at Kannaviou Dam only found Purple and Grey Heron on the water, there were also Crag Martin in the area. Making our way to Evretou there were Black-headed, Cretzschmar's and Corn Bunting in numbers. As we approached Evretou a couple of Black-crowned Night Heron were seen, one being in first year summer plumage. European Roller were observed in breeding territory. Again a Purple Heron was present along with Squacco Heron, Little Ringed Plover and Little Egret. The only duck present was Garganey. A Eurasian Hoopoe was feeding while Marsh Harrier and Eleonora's Falcon were also looking to feed.

Kannaviou Dam, Paphos area May 2017

Black-Crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax, nycticorax), Evretou, May 2017

Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops), Evretou, May 2017

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