Thursday 26 January 2017

Paphos Lighthouse

Paphos Lighthouse today, still very windy and mainly cloudy, rain cut our walk short. We saw what is normally expected at this time of year, Western Black Redstart, European Chaffinch and Robin, Common Linnet and Stonechat. There were also a number of Common Starling in the area together with Woodlark, Meadow Pipit and Eurasian Skylark.
We decided to look at the Paphos Headland from the car only because of the weather and managed to see three Ruddy Turnstone, a couple of Dunlin feeding close to the car and a Common Sandpiper.

Black Redstart (Female)

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Akrotiri Area

A few photographs from a windy and cloudy day around Zakaki Marsh, Limassol. The Marsh Harrier depicted in the last three shots interestingly shows three different birds in various stages of plumage and age.

Greater Flamingo

                                  Black-headed Gull

Common Kingfisher

                                                                          Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

                                 Marsh Harrier

Monday 23 January 2017

Coral Bay Akamas Coast

Today we took a coastal route starting just North West of Coral Bay where it was nice to view Golden Plover. Arriving at Cape Drepano and looking towards the Geronisos Island there were the usual colony of Yellow-legged Gulls along with European Shag, Rock Dove and Western Jackdaw. Continuing North we entered the Akamas National Park where Blue Rock Thrush, Eurasian Blackbird, Corn Bunting and Western Black Redstart were present.

                               Golden Plover, Coral Bay

Blue Rock Thrush, Akamas National Park

Saturday 21 January 2017

A short video of the Common Cranes feeding in the potato fields of Mandria, Paphos.

Friday 20 January 2017

Common Cranes

The recent Common Cranes that were first observed in the Akrotiri area of Cyprus at the end of December seem to have settled more to the west of the island in the Paphos area. We have observed 22 which would make them the largest number that have ever over wintered in Cyprus. They are regularly flying between the potato fields of Mandria where they feed and to the shallow end of the Asprokremmos (Phinikas) to water.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Bird Highlights of 2016

Some Bird Highlights of 2016. 
The year started with excellent views of an over wintering Wallcreeper in the Avakas Gorge, in February a Rose Colured Starling was located by Ian Bloomer in the morning and was relocated by us in a different location later in the afternoon in the Paphos Lighthouse area. In March a Rock Thrush (Rufous-tailed) was present at Marathounta. April bought two birds of interest, a Turkestan Shrike was reported by Alan Crane at Mandria and a Hooded Wheatear found by a visiting birder was just a little further along the coast at Timi beach. While we were off the Island in also in April, reports of an Amur Falcon were received at Anarita Park found by Matt Smith, the bird fortunately did manage to stay until our return in May. In June we were able to see Masked Shrikes feeding Juveniles in the Akamas area. August also bought Juvenile Elonora's Falcons at Kensington Cliffs,Limassol. September saw the returning passage migrants of European Bee Eaters and in October three White Storks visited Paphos Sewage Works for a few days. A visit to the Troodos in November, we were able to find a Pine Bunting and we finished our year in December taking part in the BirdLife Cyprus Griffon Vulture Census.